Case Reports

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Case Date
PBS v Bester (enforcement appeal – CA) 19 March 2020
Resistant Building Products Ltd v National House Builders’ Council 18 March 2020
Griffiths v Liberty Syndicated 4472 16 March 2020
C Spencer Limited v MW High Tech Projects UK Limited (appeal – CA) 6 March 2020
Yuanda v Multiplex 28 February 2020
R (Plan B Earth, Friends of the Earth, London Borough of Hillingdon & others) v. Secretary of State for Transport 27 February 2020
R (Heathrow Hub Ltd) v. Secretary of State for Transport 27 February 2020
PBS v Bester 7 February 2020
R (Ross & Sanders acting on behalf of Stop Stansted Expansion) v. Secretary of State for Transport 7 February 2020
VVB v Optilan 7 January 2020