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Practice Summary

Edmund Crawley was called to the Bar in 2023 and became a tenant at Keating Chambers in 2024 following the successful completion of his pupillage.

Edmund is developing a broad and busy practice across Chambers’ specialisms in both domestic and international cases, both as sole counsel and as junior counsel within teams. During his pupillage Edmund’s work encompassed a wide variety of practice areas, including construction, engineering, professional negligence, marine and off-shore, and planning. He has assisted on both contentious and advisory matters within these fields, including trial preparation for TCC hearings, and has been instructed to draft statements of case in his own right. His work has also covered a range of alternative dispute resolution, including adjudication and arbitration (including ADCCAC and CIMAR rules).

Before starting coming to the Bar, Edmund spent a year working as a Judicial Assistant for Lord Justice Phillips and the Lady Chief Justice Carr in the Court of Appeal. Edmund also spent several months working for Scotia Group, an international thinktank formed to provide proposals and strategies for parties at COP26. Edmund was a Working Group Leader for a team which developed a strategy for Japan’s Minister of Economy.

Edmund also previously worked as an intern in the Legal Policy and Research Unit of the International Bar Association, during which time he did research on the UN Guiding Principles on Business Human Rights and drafted a speech for the president of the IBA.

Edmund accepts instructions to advise, draft pleadings and represent clients in relation to a broad range of commercial matters, with an emphasis upon construction, engineering, professional negligence and energy disputes.

Practice Areas

Construction & Engineering
  • Drafted a Particulars of Claim on behalf of a developer in relation to an alleged breach of contract by an architect in respect of its design for an elevated car park deck.
  • Advised an architect on the point of time at which a cause of action accrued under the Defective Premises Act 1974.
  • Drafted a Witness Statement on behalf of a solicitor in opposition to an application for specific performance and/or pre-action disclosure.
  • Advised a developer on its prospects of successfully terminating a contractor’s employment in relation the construction of a desalination plant in the Middle East.
  • Advised the Secretary of State for Transport in relation to its potential liability under a Concession Agreement.
  • Advised a developer in relation to a potential claim against it by its contractor for unlawful termination of the contract.
  • Drafted the Reply on behalf of a contractor in relation to a claim for an unpaid invoice from its Employer, in circumstances where the parties disagreed as to the existence of the contract.
  • Advised and drafted a Particulars of Claim on behalf of a plumbing contractor in a claim against a hospitality business for unpaid invoices.
Professional Negligence
  • Drafted a Defence on behalf of an architect in a claim for alleged defective designs resulting in water ingress at a school.
  • Drafted a Particulars of Claim on behalf of a homeowner against its architect and contractor in relation to a defectively designed and installed roof on a private residence.
  • Drafted a Defence on behalf of a structural engineer in relation to allegedly defective designs for an extension to a private residence.
Energy & Natural Resources
  • Drafted the Defence and Counterclaim on behalf of a contractor, in response to a claim for delay and disruption costs by a sub-contractor, in relation to the installation of high voltage cables and related civil engineering work at a substation for an off-shore wind farm in Scotland.

  • Drafted a letter of claim on behalf of a landlord in relation to the alleged breach of an Underlease due to an unauthorised change of a property’s use.

Offshore Construction & Marine Engineering
  • Advised a shipbuilder on the correct interpretation of bespoke clauses within a FIDIC contract in relation to the construction of topside elements of an offshore wind farm.

  • Drafted a Skeleton Argument on behalf of a civil engineering contractor for an adjudication enforcement.

  • Drafted the Skeleton Argument, Order, Claim Form, and Application Notice for an interim injunction on behalf of an estate management company against a contractor threatening to remove its materials from the site.

  • Drafted a Skeleton Argument on behalf of a contractor in a Part 8 Claim concerning the possibility of recovering an alleged overpayment made on an interim payment.

  • Drafted a Skeleton Argument on behalf of a contractor for an adjudication enforcement in the context of allegations made by the defendant developer that the adjudicator acted in breach of the principles of natural justice.

  • Drafted a Skeleton Argument on behalf of a developer for an adjudication enforcement in the context of jurisdictional challenges by the contractor.

  • Drafted a section of a Rejoinder under the ADCCAC Rules on behalf of a developer on an infrastructure project in Abu Dhabi.

  • Drafted a Notice of Arbitration under the CIMAR rules on behalf of a developer in relation to the design and construction of residential and commercial properties in Wales.

  • Drafted a Claim Form, Particulars of Claim and Witness Statement on behalf of a civil engineering contractor for an adjudication enforcement in the TCC.

  • Drafted a Rejoinder on behalf of a contractor in relation to a dispute concerning the applicable payment provisions following the termination of the contract.

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Education & Career

Professional Career

  • Tenant, Keating Chambers – 2024

  • Pupil, Keating Chambers – 2023–2024

  • Called to the Bar, Lincoln’s Inn – 2023

  • Judicial Assistant to Lord Justice Phillips and Lady Chief Justice Carr – 2022–2023


  • Climate Emergency Programme, University of Oxford/Said Business School – 2022

  • Bar Professional Training Course, BPP (Distinction) – 2021–2022

  • Working Group Leader, Mediation Support Unit, Scotia Group – 2021

  • Legal Intern, Legal Policy and Research Unit of the International Bar Association – 2021

  • Post-Graduate Diploma in Law, BPP (Distinction) – 2020–2021

  • BA Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion, University of Cambridge (First-Class) – 2017-2020

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Additional information

Edmund enjoys long distance hiking, and has walked in numerous locations throughout Europe and the Middle East. He is also an enthusiastic chef, and collects cookbooks.

Appointments & Awards
  • Stanley Hoffman Louise Richardson Prize – 2021

  • Cassel Scholarship, Lincoln’s Inn – 2021

  • Career Commitment Scholarship, BPP – 2021

  • Mary Ann Leighton Scholarship, University of Cambridge – 2020

  • Burney Prize, University of Cambridge – 2020

  • JY Gibson Prize, University of Cambridge – 2020

  • Emily Davies Scholarship, University of Cambridge – 2019

  • JY Gibson Prize, University of Cambridge – 2019