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CIArb Scotland - LOGIC workshop

Location: Aberdeen

27 March 2018

“LOGIC? What LOGIC? When you’re all at (North)Sea...”

Keating Chambers presents a LOGIC workshop session to the Scottish Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators on 27 March 2018. The workshop (run by Veronique Buehrlen QC, Lucy Garrett, Calum Lamont and Matthew Finn) concerns a main contractor involved in a module construction project which has gone wrong, leading to the need to issue injunctive relief against the owner in relation to the available HLV up the line, and proceedings down the line in relation to the subcontractor who is holding onto a further module, and insisting that it is unlawful to levy liquidated damages. To add insult to injury, there are maintenance issues with regard to a related module offshore, giving rise to all sorts of claims for consequential loss and that old favourite, loss of use.

Event Details

Date: Tuesday 27 March 2018 Venue: Advocates Hall and Library, Concert Court, Broad Street, Aberdeen AB10 1BS   Time: 4pm to 7.00 pm (TBC). Reservations: Reserve your place by emailing CIARBS@shepwedd.com with a completed booking form.



Veronique Buehrlen KC
Veronique Buehrlen KC
Lucy Garrett KC
Lucy Garrett KC
Calum Lamont KC
Calum Lamont KC
Matthew Finn
Matt Finn