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DRBF Connections Conference 2020

Location: Online

29 October 2020

This year's DRBF Connections Conference is taking place on 28-30 October 2020. It is the only conference dedicated entirely to the Dispute Board process and provides dispute board users and practitioners, the opportunity to learn from industry leaders.

Dispute Avoidance: Leading the horse to water when you don't have the reins

Robert Fenwick Elliott is delighted to be speaking on the above topic on day 2 of the conference at 14:15 (UTC). He will be joined by John Papworth to discuss:

  • techniques to create an avoidance mindset
  • skills for “leading the horse to water when you don’t have the reins”
  • lessons learned from structured interventions which assist with avoiding crucial cost issues.

Event Information

The event is organised by the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation. Further information on how to register, and associated costs for members/non-members of DRBF can be found here: https://matchboxvirtual.com/drbf-connections-conference-2020/