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Courtney Burrell-Eade


Courtney started pupillage at Keating Chambers in September 2024. Prior to starting pupillage, Courtney spent two years working for the Shell Group in their global litigation team. During which time, Courtney was engaged in range of commercial matters from high value litigation and international arbitration to smaller contractual disputes across a range of jurisdictions. Most notably, Courtney was involved in:

  • Shell’s appeal before the Dutch Court of Appeal in Milieudefensie et al. v. Royal Dutch Shell plc.
  • The Okpabi v Royal Dutch Shell group litigation, focusing on issues of corporate separateness and global claims.
  • Jalla and another v Shell International Trading and Shipping Company and another, a continuing nuisance appeal before the Supreme Court in March 2023. 
  • Obtaining without notice and “persons unknown” injunctions both onshore and offshore. 
  • A third-party debt order in respect of a debt subject to a foreign jurisdiction.
  • A judicial review of a gas field in the North Sea, focusing on Scope 3 emissions. 

Courtney also spent a year working as a Judicial Assistant for Lady Justice Carr (now the Lady Chief Justice Carr) in the Court of Appeal. Courtney studied law at the University of Manchester, graduating with a First. 

Courtney B E