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UK Engineering 2016

15 May 2017

An Independent Review by Prof John Uff QC

Professor John Uff CBE QC FREng was appointed (on behalf of the Institution of Civil Engineers, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and the Institution of Engineering and Technology) to conduct an Independent Review of the UK's engineering profession. The Terms of Reference for this Review encompass a wide range of issues but at the heart is the question of how the UK engineering profession can be better and more effectively organised. His full report following this review is available here: UK Engineering 2016 - Independent Review By Professor John Uff


Professor Uff makes a number of recommendations in his Report, including that:

  • the Professional Engineering Institutions (PEIs) to set up a joint body to promote mergers of their separate activities with a view to eventual combining of memberships;
  • the Royal Academy should develop formal links with the institutions so as to become more representative of the profession as a whole;
  • the profession should encourage adoption of the recommendations of the 2016 Sainsbury Report on Technical Education; and
  • there should be a renewed campaign to raise the level of awareness and technical competence of persons reporting on engineering matters in the press and media.

A summary of his conclusions can be found in his speaking note used for the launch event earlier this month.

About the Author

Professor John Uff originally trained as a civil engineer, becoming a specialist in geotechnics, but after five years practice he transferred to the Bar. He has been practising as a barrister and arbitrator at Keating Chambers since 1970. John has been closely involved in many developments in the construction industry over the past two decades, through committees and publications and has most recently spearheaded the engineering profession’s drive to establish new code of ethics in the profession.   


Professor John Uff CBE KC
John Uff KC