Citation: LTL 23/2/09
Nature of case: A number of disputes arose out of construction works, particularly regarding final account, areas of concreting, areas of block paving and various other defects, and were decided in a series of mini-trials. Tong Garden Centre, the employer, counterclaimed that: 1. The water cement ratio in the concrete was too high; 2. The ground had not been properly proof rolled beneath the block paving; and 3. PDR Construction, as contractors were, responsible for various other defects. HHJ Grenfell decided the 1st question in favour of PDR, Floortex and other sub-contractors, test results having shown that the water cement ratio was not excessive. The 2nd question was also decided in PDR’s favour, but judgment was given against PDR in respect of several of the defects alleged in the 3rd question. On final account, judgment was given in favour of PDR