20 May 2021
The Society of Construction Law Australia are hosting a webinar, on Thursday 20 May, covering Conflicts of Interest International Arbitration. The panel consists of 5 speakers from Keating, Adam Constable QC, Lucy Garrett QC, Samuel Townend QC, Robert Fenwick Elliott and Jennie Wild. The session will cover:
- An overview of the law in respect of fiduciary duties, duties of confidentiality and expert duties.
- Discussion of the UK court decision in A Company v Secretariat Consulting [2021] EWCA Civ 6.
- The Australian position on conflicts of interest.
- Other Australian law considerations (comparative law re dirty/clean experts and expert shopping).
- Practical considerations (scope of expert retainers, how to contract out of fiduciary duties, injunctions etc).
The event is being chaired by Sean Brady, Chair of the SoCLA Events Subcommittee. The Zoom link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81300331777