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First hearing in the Astana International Finance Centre (AIFC) Court

05 August 2020

The Astana International Finance Centre Court in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, held its first hearing last week (by remote video conferencing due to the COVID-19 related restrictions), in the case of Aliyev v. Proportunity Management Company Ltd (Case No. 2 of 2020). The case was disposed of within a month of being commenced, including two procedural orders, the hearing and the judgment which is publicly available and can be downloaded here

The judge assigned to the case was Charles Banner QC, who sits part-time as a Justice of the AIFC Court. The AIFC Court, the Chief Justice of which is Lord Mance, is a common law court which opened in January 2018 with the objective of being the leading court for the resolution of civil and commercial disputes in the AIFC and the Eurasia Region. It operates alongside, and in the same building as, the Astana International Arbitration Centre, the Chair of which is Barbara Dohmann QC.