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London International Disputes Week 2021

07 May 2021

Following the success of the inaugural London International Disputes Week in 2019, LIDW returns this year for a week of virtual events. The LIDW programme offers the opportunity to hear leading experts discuss and debate the ever-changing landscape of international dispute resolution and celebrates London as a leading centre for handling international disputes. LIDW21 will engage with international perspectives across all sectors and explore how the industry can adapt, evolve and progress. Full details of the main conference sessions and how to register can be found on LIDW's website. Outside the main programme, various complimentary "member-hosted" sessions are available. As founding members of LIDW, Keating are pleased to be taking part in the following sessions this year:


Expert Witnesses: Status, Independence, Duties and Conflicts

Date & Time: Monday 10 May 2021 (6pm BST) Speakers: Adam Constable QC, Lynne McCafferty QC, Don Harvey and Todd Wetmore. Topic: Experts have been described as “simply vehicles by which the parties reargue the facts”. Is this right? What is the status of an expert witness in the modern disputes world? Are they independent, what are their duties, and where can conflicts arise? Register here:  https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_pbupyYg5TUyC2kAc-Ssw1w


Managing a mixed civil / common law arbitral panel in international construction arbitration

Date & Time: Tuesday 11 May 2021 (5:30pm BST) Speakers: Veronique Buerhlen QC, Andrew Goddard QC, Emily Monastiriotis and Paul Lowrie Topic: They will examine current trends and divergence/convergence of approaches taken across a number of key areas including: * Procedural orders, including memorials/pleadings, and hearing protocols. * Determining the applicable law. * Documentary evidence, including privilege. * Treatment of oral evidence, inquisitorial and adversarial approaches and sequestration of witnesses. * Treatment of expert evidence. * Costs. 

Register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_m5U2zpYNQDmTBVU-srfcdA   

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